Clinical Trials

Trial Name Title Site Investigator Principle Investigator NBC Approval Number Drap Approval Number Sponsor Goverment Identifier Status
A Phase 3, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study to evaluate the effect of Bi-26 (strain of Bifidobacterium longum B. infantis) supplementation versus placebo on weight gain in underweight infants Dr. Mahmood Jamal Dr. Ume Sughra 4-87/NBC-896/23/1102 03-31/2023-CT (PS) Bill & Melinda Gates Medical Research Institute In Progress
A Multi-center, Randomized, Blinded, Placebo-controlled, Phase 3 Clinical Study to Evaluate the Efficacy, Safety and Immunogenicity of SARS-CoV-2 Bivalent mRNA Vaccine (LVRNAO21) as Booster in participants Aged 18 Years and Older Who Completed Primary/i Booster Dose(s) of SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination Dr. Mir Abdul Waheed Dr. Muhammad Raza Shah No.4-87/COVID-135/23/1292 03-35/ 2023- CT (PS) AIM Vaccine Co., Ltd. LiveRNA Therapeutics Inc. Ningbo Rongan Biological Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd NCT05812014 In Progress
HIP fracture Accelerated surgical Treatment And Care track 2 (HIP ATTACK-2) Trial Dr. Mustafa Javed Bhalli Dr. Aamer Nabi Nur 4-87/NBC-872/22/453 McMaster University Canada NCT04743765 In Progress
A Phase 3, multicenter, randomized, double-blind, 24- week study of the clinical and antiviral effect of S217622 compared with placebo in non-hospitalized participants with COVID-19 Dr Sajjad Naseer Dr. Faisal Mahmood 4-87/COVID-122/22/672 03-25/ 2023-CT (PS) Shionogi Inc. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) USA NCT05305547 In Progress
Clinical Study to Compare Efficacy and Safety of AVT06 and EU-Eylea (ALVOEYE) Dr. Jahanzeb Durrani Dr. M.A. Rehman Siddiqui 4-87/NBC-855/22/456 03-12/ 2022-CT (PS) Alvotech Swiss AG NCT05155293 In Progress
Re-evaluating the Inhibition of Stress Erosions and against Gastrointestinal Bleeding in the critically ill (REVISE) Dr. Mir Abdul Waheed Dr. Mir Abdul Waheed 4-87/NBC-730/22/1814 McMaster University Canada NCT03374800 In Progress

Regulatory approvals for a clinical research framework


Maroof International Hospital Clinical trial unit is DRAP approved site for conducting clinical trials. Application guidelines for the conduct of clinical trials and required forms are available on the DRAP website.


National Bioethics Committee is a notified body on bioethics working under the Ministry of National Health Services, Regulation and coordination. All applications for authorization of the conduction of clinical trials are required to seek prior approval from the National Bioethical Committee under Rules 9 of Bio-Study Rules, 2017. Ethical clearance of research projects through NBC Pakistan form are available on the following link:


Maroof’s IRB is registered in the Office of Human Research Protection Database, United States Department for Health & Human Services.

  • IORGNumber:IORG0011525

  • FWA Number:FWA00032840

The status of IRB can be searched through the following link:

Members Institutional Review Committee at Maroof International Hospital

Name Speciality
Dr. Gulafsahan Hafeez Gynaecologist
Dr. Usman Aftab Gastroenterologist
Dr. Omer Mufti Cardiologist
Dr. Aliya Hameed baber Consultant Geriatrics
Dr. Mustafa Javed bhalli Consultant Orthopaedics
Mr. Bilal Shadani Psycho Therapist

Clinical Research Certification
